You have unusual symptoms that aren’t normal and you aren’t feeling yourself.

So, you go to your primary care physician, possibly even a specialist, and are told that your test results are normal so there’s nothing wrong, or, you are given a pill to take without much explanation as to why.

And those answers just don’t sit well with you.

If you’ve ever experienced this (or are currently), you’re not alone. Many of my clients find me when they are in the midst of this situation – feeling written off by traditional western medicine and not knowing who to turn to or what to do.

Fortunately, most times there are many things we can do to investigate and treat further thanks to specialized testing and naturopathic medicine.

But let’s start at the beginning.

Why may you still feel unwell if your test results are normal?

There may be a variety of reasons, however, one major reason may be due to the definition of “normal”.

Most labs calculate the “normal range” for many tests based on the population’s average. That may seem fair on the surface, but considering how much of the population may be unhealthy, “normal” for the general public may not be what is healthy and normal for you.

As a naturopathic doctor, it’s important for me to discover what a healthy baseline is for each of my patients. I am mindful that it could be higher or lower than the published lab range in order for an individual to achieve their own optimal wellness.

Should you consider additional testing if the first round was “normal”?

While re-testing is always a possibility, it may be beneficial to opt for more specialized and investigative tests based on your symptoms.

For mental health disorders, analysis of such things as:

          – bio-chemical pathways
          – neurotransmitter synthesis
          – receptor function
          – nutrient absorption

can provide significant insight into the root cause and guide therapy protocols. (Stay tuned for more of what I am learning about mental health and physical functions through my functional psychiatry fellowship.)

When physical illness is present, additional investigation through in-depth:

          – blood
          – urine
          – stool
          – saliva
          – genetic testing
is available, and imaging and an overall health inventory can offer clarification.

However, what may be most important is how these tests are analyzed.

An effective treatment plan is most successful when the underlying cause of an issue is addressed and supported.

Through individualized care (taking into account such things as family history, lifestyle, and past traumas paired with test results), I focus on finding what is driving the mind and body to behave how it is and then create a customized plan on how to treat, manage, and many times, heal the issue.

Are pharmaceutical prescription medications bad?

Not necessarily. Some medications provide relief from symptoms, help manage certain conditions, and are vital to living for some people.

However, not all medications may be necessary in which they can be acting as more of a bandaid versus a long-term solution.

If you’ve been prescribed a medication that concerns you, naturopathic means (such as lifestyle changes, herbal supplements, and nutritional support) may be able to complement, reduce, or even replace pharmaceutical use.*

What should you do if you are in this situation and not feeling your best?

Seeking out someone to sincerely care for you and your health while having well-versed knowledge in the medical field can be key to feeling good and living well.

I am here to provide you this support.

If you are in the Boulder or greater Denver metro area and are in need of naturopathic medicine, please call me at (720) 341-0193 or contact me here and let’s discuss your symptoms, concerns, experiences, and goals.

You don’t have to settle when you know something isn’t right. Let’s work on it together.

*Please note that this information is not designed to provide treatment advice or recommendations. Consult with your physician before modifying any treatment plan.